Create A Unique Gown For Your Daughter’s Formal Birthday Party

If your teenaged daughter wants to have a formal brithday party that includes dancing and fine dining and she has requested that you use your sewing abilities to create her a unique gown, the task at hand may seem overbearing if you don't plan how you will execute the project or are unsure of what type of gown to create. Use the following ideas to help you succeed at the task.

Create A Schedule And Sewing Area

Creating a sewing schedule and sticking to it will prevent you from needing to rush right before the party is to take place and will make it possible for you to create a garment that is flawless and that your daughter will be proud to wear.

If you are currently employed, take your work hours into consideration when creating the schedule so that they will not conflict with the hours you plan to sew. Post the schedule in the room in your home that you have designated as a sewing area. Place your sewing machine on a sturdy table and set an empty table nearby. The empty table can be used to hold a dress pattern, fabric, and sewing supplies.

View Samples And Acquire Swatch Cards

Sewing books that have pictures of dresses that can be made by following a store-bought pattern will provide your daughter with plenty of examples to choose from. If your daughter prefers a specific style but is unsure of what type of material she would like her gown to be made of, apparel swatch cards can help resolve the dilemma.

Swatch cards can be acquired by contacting fabric suppliers. Cards often contain small pieces of fabric that are secured to each card. Your daughter can view many fabric types and can feel the texture of each one and will be able to narrow down her options by doing so. After using swatch cards to decide upon a type of fabric, purchase a pattern, fabric, thread, and elastic and begin to make the gown.

Consider Embellishments That Will Help The Gown Stand Out

If your daughter likes the dress that she selected but prefers that her garment has some features added to it that will provide it with a unique appearance, take your daughter shopping with you so that she can choose some embellishments. Shiny ribbon, buttons, snaps, or rhinestones are some embellishments that your daughter may be interested in and that will help her gown stand out.
