3 Things To Check Before Purchasing Live CBD Hemp Clones

Purchasing clones is an easy way for you to start growing your own hemp. A clone is basically a small cutting or shoots that you can plant and cultivate. When it comes to purchasing clones in-person, you are going to want to carefully examine the clones to make sure you are getting the best possible starter plant.

Thing #1: Check the Root System

First, you are going to want to check the root system. When you examine the root system, you are going to want to look for a root system that has long and abundant roots. You don't want to invest in clones that have stringy or thin root systems, as the clone may not have enough of a root system to thrive.

You also want to avoid clones with short root systems; they may not be ready to be transplanted yet. Short roots can also be a sign of an unhealthy clone as well. Look for root systems that are at least a couple of inches long.

Next, you need to make sure the roots are not yellow at all. The roots should be more of a white tone. Yellow roots are generally a sign of a sick plant.

Watch out as well for root rot or burn. You want roots that are looking good and thriving.

Thing #2: Check the Soil

Second, you are going to want to check the soil that the clones were growing in. If the clones were grown in another growth medium, such as clay, you are going to want to check that as well

When you check out the soil or the growth medium, you want to make sure there are no bugs crawling around in the soil. Bugs can infect and degrade the quality of the clones.

You also want to make sure there is no mildew or mold in the growth medium. In order to produce CBD that you can actually use, it needs to be free of mold and mildew. You don't want to battle mold and mildew from the beginning.

Thing #3: Check the Body of the Clone

Third, you need to check the body of the clone. You want to make sure the stalks and leaves are strong and not discolored. You want to make sure there are no bugs hiding on the underside of the bugs.

Make sure the leaves are a strong green color. Don't invest in clones with brown or yellow-colored leaves. At this stage in the lifecycle, the leaves should all be a vibrant green. Any other color is a sign of an issue with a clone.

Before purchasing CBD hemp clones, inspect the clones closely. Make sure they have thick, long roots with green and vibrant stalks and leaves, without any sign of bugs, mold, or mildew. Contact a CBG clones distributor for more.
