Is Someone Close To You In A Jail Somewhere? Track Them Down And Bail Them Out With A Bondsman

If you can't find a relative or friend and you think that they may be in jail, you will want to get in touch with the local county jail and a bail bondsman.

Track Down What Jail

The bondsman will have access to look at what inmates are at what facilities and they will be able to get details on what charges the inmate is facing. You want to know where they are in case you need to get in for a visit. It can take a while for an inmate to get booked if the jails are crowded, so this may be the easiest way for you to get the answers you need, instead of trying to call local jails over and over.

Find Out the Bail Amount

Next, the bondsman will see what potential charges the inmate is facing and what the bail is. If they have not been arraigned yet, you may not get a bail amount. The amount you will have to pay the bondsman is usually 10 percent of the bail amount.

If the inmate does not show up for following court dates after the bail is paid, the full amount of the bond will be owed to the bail bond company, including interest. Know the risks before putting up bail for someone else.

Get Approved for the Bail

There are credentials you need to have if you want to get approved to post bail for the inmate. You or the inmate must:

  • Have a good credit score
  • Show proof of income or savings
  • Not have skipped court dates in the past

If you or the inmate can't get approved, you will have to find someone else that can sign for the inmate and for the amount that's owed.

Find a Lawyer

The type of charges the inmate is facing may cause them to be denied bail. It may be necessary to get a lawyer to help with the case. Talk with the inmate right away to see if they need legal representation arranged before they are out.

If you fear that someone close to you is in jail and you know that you need to be the one that gets them out, you want to find a bail bondsman so you can get them out. Start with a bail bond professional and then get them out to get the legal help they need. For more information, talk to a bail bond company.
